A Pramos’s project which aims to assist and support children who were diagnosed with cancer throughout their treatment in specialized hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, providing the necessary care that their families may need to face the lack of resources and financial difficulties caused by the disease.

Cancer treatments and transplants cause a great impact not only on the patient’s life but also on their families, although we can see the development of the medicine nowadays.

Frequently, these treatments, combined to low socioeconomic conditions and the lack of social and familiar support, harm the structure and organization of people’s lives, causing physical, psychological, social, familiar and economic alteration, representing a state of vulnerability that can be described as circumstances that cause problems and disturb the balance.

All of these situations experienced by those who face this disease somehow had us understanding the necessity of a structure of services with a qualified multidisciplinary team and financial resources in order to enable the necessary and complete support, providing these people biopsychosocial condition improvement (in physical, psychological and social aspects) and a better education in a way that it’s possible to continue the treatment until hospital discharge.

This made us idealize and dream of the Moses Vanzan Support House.

Pramos already has the property, located at 74, Rua dos Crisântemos, which is a donation from Moisés Vanzan’s family. The house was named after Moisés to show how grateful we are for this.

For the construction of the house, a strategic planning was elaborated and, when it comes to the financial aspect, two main goals were established: create a network of contributors diversifying the fundraising and allowing financial stability, raising and using the resources in a very transparent way.

Thus, the search for resources to build the house is one of Pramos’s priorities, whether financial or nonfinancial the donations are, once it’s possible, through bazaars, to transform these materials in financial resources. know more


Social Action Casa Moisés Vanzan at the Children’s Hospital in Vila Valqueire – RJ

Hoje foi a entrega de 126 itens entre brinquedos, fraldas, maquiagem entre outros para o Natal do Hospital Estadual da Criança.
